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+84 93 641 8461. Whatsapp & Viber: +84 93 641 8461 vietnamguiding@gmail.com

Mu Cang Chai

Mu Cang Chai is a country range of Yen Bai region, for North West area of Vietnam, which is close to 300 kilometers from Hanoi. All through late years, Mu Cang Chai has changed into an outstanding goal for vacationers, scientists and picture takers.

Mu Cang Chai has 700 hectares of terraced rice fields, with 70 percent at three cooperatives: La Pan Tan, Che Cu Nha, De Xu Phinh. This standard social legacy of an ethnic minority was viewed as a national scene by the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism of Vietnam. The delicate of Mu Cang Chai is the standard temperature all through the entire year is 18.5 Celsius degrees so when the nightfall comes, the region is blanked in dimness and makes vacationers feel they are in late winter of the lowland.

Because of the scene’s steeply slanting geology, the terraced fields are tight; the capability between yards to patios is around 1m to 1.5m, requesting to keep the water sources on the land and ground for making rice on the slant of mountain. So Hmong individuals think an approach to manage keep water by make the land coast on the mountain to make the leveling rice patio fields. The Mu Cang Chai Tours The get point for the water source was taken from the source field upper focuses, for example, stream, and waterfalls where is essential is higher to overcome down the low inspirations driving rice yard handle, the couple used to bamboo tree that is cut section of it for an instrument of getting water into the fields, as indicated by Hmong People’s commitment of wearing out it, they get water into the standard porch by then make the water way to deal with second porch genuinely clamoring dealing with float, by then opening the portal in the fulfillment of buoy. That experience to keep up a fundamental division from the flooding and wash the dirt indulgence.

Moreover, to make the condition of each land apportion, individuals rolls out the improvement of each yard by water that individuals will raise a high place that is bounced on the buoy and moved down to the bog so the fields consolidating slants are water level and a similar stature, making the awesome rice patios of the mountain. Mu Cang Chai rice yard fields is an attestation y to the masterstroke of human hand – Hmong People in the update of nature, to make a novel stunning scene of North-Vietnam “Mu Cang Chai Rice Terrace Field”. In the beginning late years, Mu Cang Chai has been one of remarkable attraction to visit an uncommon place in the north of Vietnam, especially the rice accumulate coming toward the start of the first – 10 October of the year when it is the best time to visit Mu Cang Chai.We came in late Sept with our route from Hanoi to Son Tay – Hoa Binh – Nghia Lo – Mu Can Chai. We highly recommend Le Champ resort as It is so beautiful location over looking many rice fields and its hot spring.

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